External Organizations & Individuals

EMO Services
The EMO staff will prepare contracts and cost projections and inform the client of all insurance requirements.
Coordination and Assistance
The EMO provides consultation, event planning tools and logistical coordination and advice. We can provide event- and budget-planning checklists, floor plans, policies and procedures and a planning timeline. We consult with and assist clients, and troubleshoot when needed to ensure that events are successful. Contracts, insurance requirements and cost projections are generated by the EMO and sent to clients.
Date Consultation
The EMO staff will conduct an initial review of the event and offer a recommendation on proposed dates.
Unless an event is sponsored or endorsed by a Smith College department, the EMO staff will be the external organization's primary contact for the event.
Space Scheduling/Resources
The EMO staff will reserve space for the event and request resources from service providing departments.
Please note: External organizations that have scheduled events and are already working directly with the Events Management Office may not attain sponsorship at a later date to reduce or waive fees.
Additional guidelines and policies are located on the Event Planning Forms & Resources page.
Fundraising Events by External Organizations
External organizations can rent most Smith College facilities (excluding the Field House and Poetry Center) for fundraising events, subject to rental, service and administrative fees and insurance requirements. All such events must be cleared through the Events Management Office.
Permission to use Smith facilities does not imply any endorsement of an event or organization; if an organization seeks official Smith participation in an event, the EMO must coordinate and approve requests with Smith's president and/or representatives of the college.
The EMO must review and approve any event publicity to ensure that Smith's name is included for location purposes only and the college cannot be misconstrued as a sponsor. For political events, please review the Smith College Political and Campaign Activities Policy.
Food is allowed only in the rooms listed under Meals in the Reservable Rooms on Campus section. You may use Smith College Catering services, bring in your own food, or in some locations hire an outside vendor. All requests for Smith catering should be made directly through Smith's catering office.
When hiring an outside caterer, review your contract, which should cover all details, including fees, staff, taxes, gratuities, insurance, extra charges, payment schedule and cancellation policy. We have provided a list of local caterers who have worked both with Smith and external clients on the Smith campus; however, you may select a vendor not on this list. There is a $100 fee for the use of an outside caterer in the Conference Center.
Local Caterers & Policies (PDF)
If potluck or guest-prepared food is provided in a non-licensed kitchen, you must provide signage Including:
"This food was home-prepared by ______." (e.g. swim team, supporters, etc.)
"These food items contain ____." (list particularly potential allergens, such as nuts)
"This is a fund raiser for ________." (e.g., swim team)
"Proceeds will go directly to the ______" (e.g. swim team).
Insurance Requirements
All external individuals and organizations using Smith College property must meet the college's insurance requirements. Smith College will not provide Comprehensive General Liability (CGL) coverage as a rider to its policy for external individuals or organizations using college property. This does not apply to the Conference Center. For additional information, contact the scheduling events coordinator at 413-585-2179.
Rental Fees and Associated Costs
External clients are assessed fees for space rental and services to support an event. Smith College offers reduced rates to Northampton organizations that furnish an IRS 501(C)(3) tax-exempt letter.
Reservations for external individuals and organizations remain tentative until the signed contract, insurance certificate and deposit are received by the events coordinator.